Sunday, July 10, 2011

Diet Soda and the Devil

Since I've taken on this goal, I have dramatically increased my intake of diet soda. I usually have Diet A&W Root Beer or Diet 7Up Pomegranate in my fridge. Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper is also pretty amazing.

With this increase in soda, I have noticed a couple things. One in particular. DIET SODA MAKES ME FAMISHED. Then this past week I read this: "Diet soft drink users, as a group, experienced 70 percent greater increases in waist circumference compared with non-users. Frequent users, who said they consumed two or more diet sodas a day, experienced waist circumference increases that were 500 percent greater than those of non-users."

You can imagine my horror. Tonight I began to realize how similar the devil and diet soda really are to each other.

1. They both offer the temptation of something sweet/tempting without really presenting the full story/consequences.
2. I really don't understand how either one works, so I probably shouldn't play around with either one.
3. I usually regret any encounter I have with either one. With diet soda, I always get that weird sweet taste on my teeth and feel a little shaky after (plus that whole famished thing I mentioned above). I haven't really had an encounter with the devil, but I would imagine I would also feel a little shaky afterward (perhaps a little famished as well).

I also have the most difficult time saying aspartame. If I can't say it, I probably shouldn't be drinking it. Here's to water and drinking more of it.

If you want to read more about the evils of diet soda, check it out at:


  1. "If I can't say it, I probably shouldn't be drinking it." Brilliant.

  2. I love the comparisons between diet soda and the devil.
